wind velocity
wind velocity为短语/超纲词汇
wind velocity
1. Evaporation takes place more quickly when there is wind or sunshine. 有风或有阳光时蒸发速度较快。
2. Evening came and a cold wind was blowing. 傍晚来临,刮着寒风。
3. Wind is invisible. 风是看不见的。
4. The ship was combating with the wind and waves. 船在和风浪搏斗。
5. The wind is blowing from the east. 风从东方来.
6. The wind propels a sailing boat. 风推动帆船前进.
7. The sea ridges under the wind. 海水被大风刮起滔天波涛。
8. The yacht was scudding along before the wind. 那只帆船正乘风笔直疾驶.
9. The wind shifted from east to north. 风由东转向北.
10. The wind is sinking. 风在减弱。